Presidents Address!
In or Out? That is the question of the year. With the many rules changes this year,
will you putt with the flag stick in all the time or out all the time? Or will you do some
sort of hybrid, in when far away, out when close. Whatever camp you join, this year is
going to be new, interesting and different. Like many of you my first exposure to the
new Rules of Golf has been watching the PGA tour players adjust to the changes, even
the pros are having a few hiccups. As we navigate our way around this golf season
please remember the time it will take for golfers to learn the new rules, understand their
implementation, and execute their practice. !
I would like to welcome all LMGA members to the start of a new golf year, while this
winter has been a particularly difficult one, let us hope we are banking some good
karma for our competitions and events this summer. Once again we have tried to
blend some of your old favorites; Ryder Cup and Orange Ball and introduce some new
events to our members. Our Kickoff event this season will be a 2-man Modified
Chapman, yes there is such a thing! We are also bringing back an old favorite of mine
the 2-man Best Ball. We hope the lineup of Tournaments offers good competition and
variety to all our membership. I have stressed to the board our goal is to conduct Fun,
Fair and well run events. We would also like to introduce a couple of new Yearly
member games. We will recognize a Money Champion at years end. We will keep a
running total of all prize money won by our members and Crown a Money Champion at
the end of the season. We will update the standings after each event and post to our
website. Needless to say the more events you enter the better your chances. We will
also name a Most Improved Handicap, once again this should reward a members
efforts to work at their game, improve and recognize their success. Prize money for
these Winners will be awarded at the end of the year. We will continue to have our
Reward event for members who qualify by playing in 6 of our 9 available playing days
this year. As many of you who have played in that event can attest, it is a fun day.!
I hope you are looking forward to an exciting and enjoyable golf season, I know I
join the entire LMGA board in working hard to exceed your expectations, to welcome
your imput and to enjoy playing golf together.!
Pete Rodriguez