Fellow LMGA Members,
Spring is just around the corner and the LMGA board is excited to begin the new year!! A few notes and information as we gladly near the warmer weather and tournaments....
Bill Rainey has been elected as the new President and Pete Rodriguez became the new Vice President. Mike Halverson's term had expired and Bill was ready to take on the open position. Most other positions/job duties remained the same but two new board members were added for 2018: Rick Owens and Al Hulbert. We are very happy to have their help. The LMGA would like to thank Mr. Halverson and Dick Little for their past and still current dedication to the LMGA. We would also like to recognize Al Taft for his 63rd year as Treasurer for this association! Now...will you see him at the golf course????
The online printable membership form has been updated as promised. Please print it off and mail it or or simply renew via this site.
A few changes to the 2018 LMGA schedule have occurred. The Kickoff Scramble has returned to a 2-Man event. We certainly hear both sides of the opinions on 2-Man vs 4-Man teams. Many like the comfort of playing with four players when the year is young and the game may be rusty. Others like the ease of finding one partner vs a team of four. The last two years the Kickoff has been postponed due to poor weather conditions. We actually had more participants in 2016 as a 2-Man event. One thing to note here.....if you have a foursome you enjoy playing with, that can still happen in the kickoff or any of the two man events (Stableford or Shamble). At the bottom of the online registration there's a field to add "Grouping Request Names". If you mail it in, simply write your requests on the form somewhere. The board will do their best to honor these.
The Stableford (and that wonderful catered BBQ meal) has traded dates with the Ryder Cup. Fitting a 2 day event in mid-June may be more weather friendly than late May but obviously it's all a gamble. We are also planning to pre-flight many of the events this year to reward play vs more equal handicapped players. The Kickoff, Stableford, 2-Man Shamble and Orange Ball will all be affected by this. Stay tuned!
New this year to the Ryder Cup will be a player prize pool as opposed to the free shirt. Many players have a vast array of shirts from all sorts of events, so we would like to use this to all of our advantage. Team Captains can meet and then request players wear certain colors on each day. Maybe on day one East is red and West is blue. Then simply switch day 2. The prize pool will be to help reward potential good individual play on winning OR losing teams. We are still determining the points needed in 2 days to qualify you for the pot. This should be a great way to give back some funds to many of the guys!
The rest of the schedule remains relatively the same. Remember that participating in several of the events may qualify you for the Rewards Tournament on Ocotber 21st. LMGA generally covers most of the cost of this fun tournament and a gift is given out. Shirts will be handed out to the 2017 qualifiers at the 2018 Kickoff Scramble. So go ahead and get your team signed up today!
Hopefully plenty of warmth and sunshine to start the year. Looking forward to another great year with you all!
LMGA Board
"The reason a pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing."
--Phillis Diller