The annual LMGA Orange Ball Tournament teed off at the Highlands Golf Course on September 27th on another beautiful day for golf. A field of 19 4-man teams participated in the event which was divided into 2 flights of 10 and 9 teams. The Orange Ball is a best ball tournament where the “orange ball” rotates among the players on each hole and counts toward the score. The best net score of the other 3 players is then added to that for the total team score. The placings in the respective flights are as follows:
1st Flight: 1st Place: Jerry Petersen, Buck Hofstedt, Jeff Bell and Mike Arter with a score of 128; 2nd Place: Tom Tiedgen, Vance Coatman, Russ Gausmann and Jack Crandall with a 128; 3rd Place: Mark Haas, Jacob Linch, Ron Jurgens, and Dillon Ehman, with a 130; and 4th Place: Sam Sharpe, Tom Martin, Larry Lococo, and Mike Calvert who shot 131. Ties needed to be broken between 1st and 2nd placings and also for 4th place. They were determined by a card playoff using the best net score of the orange ball.
2nd Flight: A score card playoff was needed to determine the 1st and 2nd place winners who both shot 134. The results are; 1st Place; Ryan Conrad, Dave Shamblin, Dean Sydow and Terry Bock; 2nd Place: Philip Maiyo, Ricky Greene, James Jackson and Ray Baumbach; 3rd Place went to Nick Nesbitt, Tom Nesbitt, Dick Little and Rich Little with a 135; and Mark Miller, Mick Hadley, Rob Weatherly and Allan Albers shot a 136 to finish in 4th place.
The annual Fall Meeting which included the election of the Board and a great meal followed the tournament. Gift certificates were also given away as door prizes. The LMGA Board would like to thank Denis Vontz and his staff at the Highlands for their assistance in putting on the tournament and preparing the meal. We would also be remiss in not acknowledging the grounds crew for the excellent playing conditions of the course. The Board would also like to thank all the members and guests who participated in the LMGA tournaments this year for making this a successful year on the links.